
your weekly amphibian-infused horoscope

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2021-October-31, Volans (Apr 22 - June 1): The line between fantasy and reality sometimes gets blurred and it sometimes gets blurred and you won’t be able to see the bigger picture or the more subtle sides of your thoughts for a while. Your amphibian spiritual guide Hyperolius endjami urges you to avoid physical combat, at least in part, because of an “unduly lethal” effect of perspiration.

2021-October-31, Eridanus (June 2 - July 17): You will get more out of life over the next few days, even if you are the kind of Eridanus who likes to get things done on the home front. Your amphibian spiritual guide Huia cavitympanum predicts that you are supposed to be free-spirited and swim with the flow of water, maintaining a constant stream velocity of 8.5 m/s.

2021-October-31, Scutum (July 18 - Sept 1): The truth is out there, hidden, untruths, and all that – you could say or do, for you really – but you have no right to know if certain people are lying. Your amphibian spiritual guide Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis says “Myrethroplasia is thought to be related to the ingestion of aquatic invertebrates”.

2021-October-31, Hercules (Sept 2 - Oct 17): Try not to get caught up in the kind of gossip you usually enjoy talking about. If one small-minded “expat” lets you down just ignore it and move on. Your amphibian spiritual guide Hyloxalus nexipus hopes that by communicating with the within snail of the calling apparatus, he or she will be able to identify the individuals within the calling system and begin to develop information about the individuals within the calling system.

2021-October-31, Phoenix (Oct 18 - Dec 2): If you take it in your stride today you will realize there was a reason for things that had nothing to do with you. Your amphibian spiritual guide Pristimantis chalceus dreams of becoming a true caveman.

2021-October-31, Lepus (Dec 3 - Jan 17): The more you try to analyze and plan your life today the more likely it is you will miss things that really matter. Your amphibian spiritual guide Microhyla palmipes urges you to feed your frog with secretions, calling simply by thinking about consuming it.

2021-October-31, Circinus (Jan 18 - Mar 4): You may want to bend the rules and make sure those who disagree with you have the right to go their separate ways. Your amphibian spiritual guide Sphaerotheca rolandae predicts that the seasonal variation in water temperatures in the arid region of its habitat arises at some stage during the dry season, when there is little or no vegetation present around the water container.

2021-October-31, Coma Berenices (Mar 5 - Apr 21): People in positions of power will be a bit touchy over the next 24 hours, so don’t try to make things easy for yourself by refusing to call the shots. Your amphibian spiritual guide Boophis vittatus warns that L. ighton’s calls are “metallic”, but the calls are not harmonic.