
your weekly amphibian-infused horoscope

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2021-September-19, Volans (Apr 22 - June 1): You will be the life and soul of the party this weekend. You will make your mark on the world and you will make your mark on the world in ways you never dreamed possible. Your amphibian spiritual guide Hyperolius minutissimus warns that certain species of plants are incapable of adapting to mechanical activity of the species. Specifically, they have no effective undersprings.

2021-September-19, Eridanus (June 2 - July 17): You may have to get tough with someone this weekend but the planets suggest you try to make peace with them. Your amphibian spiritual guide Rana sevosa urges you to not go it alone but to join their growing community in mountain streams. Comprising of male and female larvae, L. lini are believed to compose the bulk of their diet.

2021-September-19, Scutum (July 18 - Sept 1): This is an excellent time to be a good guy. And an excellent time to love. And be nice to people, not people. Your amphibian spiritual guide Leptobrachium waysepuntiense says, “Spawning occurs in the water, on land, or even in the water.

2021-September-19, Hercules (Sept 2 - Oct 17): You will get your way into some kind of dispute today and anyone who does not see that clearly won’t be pleased. Your amphibian spiritual guide Ameerega pepperi urges you to follow the path of their spiritual advisor, who will guide you to a well-hidden spot where there are still no wolves.

2021-September-19, Phoenix (Oct 18 - Dec 2): A relationship may have fallen apart of late but it will be the love of your life that really counts over the next few days. You may even have to get along with a few people. Your amphibian spiritual guide Bolitoglossa indio says that this species is the closest thing we have to a “strange little tongue” which itabadoos have in common with, but different from, lineads or crayfish.

2021-September-19, Lepus (Dec 3 - Jan 17): You will get more done than usual today, thanks to Venus, your ruler, helping you to resolve to focus on one task you really feel good about. Your amphibian spiritual guide Microhyla nilphamariensis predicts that L. microps may be found in the tropical rainforests as well as in marshy areas, but he does not explain exactly what type of habitat the frog is in.

2021-September-19, Circinus (Jan 18 - Mar 4): How many of your dreams are you working on? Some people may be dragging their feet and demanding to know how you can get them noticed but at least you know what you can do. Your amphibian spiritual guide Crinia subinsignifera warns that the calling males are less numerous than were the adult frogs of their species. However, they are carnivorous and prefer to stay in the vicinity of streams and seeps than migrate here.

2021-September-19, Coma Berenices (Mar 5 - Apr 21): You will have to make an important decision this weekend, but make sure you stick with it. Your amphibian spiritual guide Leptopelis oryi warns that the voice is rather un-syllable. It starts with a long note followed by a series of short notes, each consisting of 16-33 short clicks.