
your weekly amphibian-infused horoscope

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2020-November-05, Volans (Apr 22 - June 1): Try not to let others dictate to you what you need to believe. You may feel you cannot control your thoughts and feelings but that’s too bad because the best way to let them dictate to you is to shout at them. Your amphibian spiritual guide Hyperolius inornatus hopes that by visiting different areas of the visual tree, the frog can develop a visual gait that allows it to follow following behind” (H&M iv). H&M i also reports that H. ovipositionuere breeding occurs in the stream and in the pond during the wet season.

2020-November-05, Eridanus (June 2 - July 17): This is the time to be bold. This is the time to make things happen. It does not matter how far-fetched your ideas might be, you need to be on the same wavelength because nothing is impossible, and if you think big you can make things happen. Your amphibian spiritual guide Abavorana nazgul wishes to stay in its territory. If it were found, it would encourage the breeding of other amphibians in its territory. If it is not possible to reach the territory of one of its neighbors, it would happily breed as far away as its territory is from the breeding site. If it is, it would welcome them (Girvan 2002).

2020-November-05, Scutum (July 18 - Sept 1): This is a great day for social activities and games but because there is so much to be had for today you may get all you can really desire. Don’t waste your time partying or making plans, get out into the world and have some fun. Your amphibian spiritual guide Neurergus crocatus reminds you to stay within your territorial ranges from morning to late afternoon. Keep your body shape and tail shape internally until after a number of weeks in the wild. Your tail contains the external capsule where the skin is adjacent to the glands (Buchwald et al. 1964).

2020-November-05, Hercules (Sept 2 - Oct 17): Sometimes it is nice to take a chance and when you are too tired to risk it this weekend it will be fun to jog by the side of road and listen to the patter of the crowd. It’s really no big deal. You’ll get there in the morning. Your amphibian spiritual guide Telmatobufo venustus hopes that by nudging his guide, Heliconia can gain a better understanding of the way the zooplanktonic fungus matures and what important steps it takes to complete its development.

2020-November-05, Phoenix (Oct 18 - Dec 2): Resist the urge to push your luck and take risks today – most likely because what you risk today is worth nothing. Mercury, planet of the mind, is so highly conserved at the moment that nothing escapes its grasp. Your amphibian spiritual guide Pristimantis sarisarinama warns against predation of E. subfluvicolaamese or Isolatedus at night because of its potential for desiccation. Predators of E. subfluvicolaamese may include Great Smoky Mountainsquitlam salamanders, conchs, snakes, beetles, and small mammals. Predators of E.

2020-November-05, Lepus (Dec 3 - Jan 17): Don’t push yourself so hard today because the planets warn you will burn yourself out sooner or later if you allow yourself to get carried away. You may be a “rich kid” but you really should be having fewer worries. Your amphibian spiritual guide Dermatonotus muelleri reminds you to keep a low profile and to avoid danger at the hands of predators (Bragg 1965).

2020-November-05, Circinus (Jan 18 - Mar 4): As the Sun moves into the area of your chart that governs travel plans and social events over the next few days you should take nothing for granted. Others may say you are being irresponsible but you must not take it to extremes. Be true to yourself. Your amphibian spiritual guide Uperoleia arenicola hopes you will join them at a water source that is suitable for breeding.

2020-November-05, Coma Berenices (Mar 5 - Apr 21): The only problem is you are not yet sure of where to begin. If you start with a goal in mind you will go as far as you go and make it happen when the cosmic omens are right. It may not be the start of a relationship but it will certainly be exciting and maybe fun. Your amphibian spiritual guide Mantella crocea wishes to teach.