
your weekly amphibian-infused horoscope

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2020-September-26, Volans (Apr 22 - June 1): The more someone tries to persuade you that what you are trying to do is of no real importance the more you should resist. If you are not clear on what the real question is the best thing to ask is the one you want to be. It may not be true but you will do it anyway. Your amphibian spiritual guide Afrixalus fulvovittatus wishes to be able to swim in on their floating vegetation shelter. The primary aim of the technique is to cover a broad area, using a broad leaf for an angle of view, with a hand to aid in reading the details of the frog’s anatomy and then aligning the head with the leaf.

2020-September-26, Eridanus (June 2 - July 17): You may be tempted to put up with a friend’s selfishness but if you do you are asking for trouble. It’s not a wise attitude to take, especially when you are so close to success. Your amphibian spiritual guide Rana pipiens urges you to seek refuge in Rock Island water bodies, where it shelters under large rocks or floating vegetation (Veldt and Bulog 1989; Wong et al. 1996).

2020-September-26, Scutum (July 18 - Sept 1): You may be reluctant to admit that you have been moving in the wrong direction but you can no longer pretend that you don’t have reasons. The approaching new moon urges you to keep quiet and keep your resolve high. Your amphibian spiritual guide Atelopus senex urges you to observe the behavior of the most active members of one’s group. They all rock a gravelly graveleth. Since the groups are almost invariably enemies it is logical that the latter are more active enemies than allies.

2020-September-26, Hercules (Sept 2 - Oct 17): What happens over the next 48 hours will most likely change the way you think about matters that involve you. Today’s Sun-Jupiter link warns it is time to let certain people know that once they leave your life and career there’s nowhere else to go. Your amphibian spiritual guide Anomaloglossus stepheni reminds you to remain near water for more than one hour, even if it was raining. This is the same frog that was injured in the spring (Channing, A., D. Hendricks & A. Dawood (1994)).

2020-September-26, Phoenix (Oct 18 - Dec 2): You have been on the defensive in the past, preferring to be on the move, and that’s okay. What happens over the next few days will force you to react to new events, so don’t just sit around waiting for others to change. Take the weekend off. Your amphibian spiritual guide Pristimantis pteridophilus warns against taking chances with people, especially of an aquatic nature. Bites are a common occurrence as the species approaches adult size limits for that species. Concerned relatives of P. p. n. also avoid direct development (Aceto-García-de-López et al.

2020-September-26, Lepus (Dec 3 - Jan 17): The more you try to influence how other people deal with your problems the more they seem to get away with it. The more you try to influence how other people deal with your problems the more they seem to get away with it. Your amphibian spiritual guide Platypelis mavomavo reminds you to keep headbutted frogs where possible, even in forested areas. This species is known to have a very toxic skin (Rakotoarison et al. 2012).

2020-September-26, Circinus (Jan 18 - Mar 4): There is no point worrying about your money situation because there is nothing there that can hold you back. It’s not about money, it’s about quality. You cannot have too many options now. Your amphibian spiritual guide Heleioporus psammophilus urges you to not just watch the collapses but to watch and wait as the entire body jerks and folds up like a puppet show. He calls this “humidi foamonics.” He calls it “disposable foamonics.” He does not fry himself in the water. He plunges into the foam, pulling his head into the hole.

2020-September-26, Coma Berenices (Mar 5 - Apr 21): You like to shock and the planets suggest it will be a lot of fun over the next 48 hours – and yes, of course, that’s a compliment. One person’s enthusiasm could be enough to turn the tide in your favor, and that person is you. Your amphibian spiritual guide Gephyromantis thelenae hopes one or more frogs perform double duty in the stream: one as detritivores and sources of energy, and one as primary orexigenic host for the larvae.