
your weekly amphibian-infused horoscope

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2020-September-12, Volans (Apr 22 - June 1): You seem to have a lot to say at the moment and you won’t disappoint anyone. Let the world know you are open for business and for fun and that you are flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. Make it work. Your amphibian spiritual guide Pseudophilautus dimbullae warns that the use of multiple names for tadpoles may confuse general people and could result in the loss of this species due to over-identification of frogs with venomous glands.

2020-September-12, Eridanus (June 2 - July 17): You will have to deal with some unusual people over the next few days and you will deal with them with ease. But this is also a really good time to travel and socialize, so don’t do anything that has the added benefit of giving you a taste of the limelight. Your amphibian spiritual guide Rana catesbeiana hopes you will take a liking to his sounds. He is usually found in very small to medium sized streams with muddy bottoms. Reproduction typically occurs in July or August. Breeding individuals are light brown with a medium build. Amplexus is often found between May and July. The intervals between mating call are longer than between June and July.

2020-September-12, Scutum (July 18 - Sept 1): If you feel the need for support and encouragement then do whatever it takes to get yourself back on top of your workload. You have been working too hard of late and need to get back on top of it. Do it now, and soon. Your amphibian spiritual guide Pelobatrachus ligayae says that a female is capable of creating her own egg strings by herself. This could explain the intensity of spawning behavior of sympatryids (Sparreboom 2012).

2020-September-12, Hercules (Sept 2 - Oct 17): A money-making opportunity will land in your lap today and the first thing you do after it will be you will want to take part. The planets will assist you if you have a bit of extra cash available. Just make sure you don’t spend it on things you don’t need. Your amphibian spiritual guide Ranitomeya variabilis wishes to emphasize the unique behavior of this species. This frog is the first example of any larva (vertebrate or invertebrate) communicating with the auditory visual field by out-of-band tones (Vokas and Krasner 2013).

2020-September-12, Phoenix (Oct 18 - Dec 2): Be prepared for delays and road blocks this weekend. Try to steer clear of disputes where you may be the object of jealousy. Your amphibian spiritual guide Pristimantis ventriguttatus reminds you to stay still and dip toe-to-toe in water objects (McCranie and Wilson, 2002).

2020-September-12, Lepus (Dec 3 - Jan 17): You will have to make an important decision this weekend and although it may be for the best it could also be for the best, so don’t make it now. This decision can wait, and maybe it won’t wait a day at least – in fact it will be waiting a lot sooner. Your amphibian spiritual guide Cophixalus exiguus reminds you to take care when handling unfamiliar species of ants. The mating call of the male can be heard over the telephone, but the female also makes a loud “ooh!” when disturbed. The couple will bond over caverns in the forest floor, etc.

2020-September-12, Circinus (Jan 18 - Mar 4): Make sure you do the kind of thing that gets you noticed and make sure others don’t come to the conclusion that you have played no part in their problems. It seems they are having a lot of fun at the moment. Don’t worry, you will soon be back to your best. Your amphibian spiritual guide Edalorhina perezi reminds you to stay in the margin of wet vegetation above dams, dams that are flooded during the night, and finally at the water’s edge where the larvae of L. lineatus and L. linea coexist. In humid areas, especially, L. lineatus populations may be sparse.

2020-September-12, Coma Berenices (Mar 5 - Apr 21): You may want to be on the move today but don’t expect everything to work out the way you expected it to but then it won’t be as if you are doing it all by yourself. Others will take care of you if you need assistance. Your amphibian spiritual guide Blommersia sarotra hopes that the following species is associated with its habitat, at least on the ground, during the rainy season. This species is characterized by calling sites being far away from puddles, bushes, soil and sunflowers. At Lamto, the calling sites consist of 3-4 large sunflowers scattered throughout a broad, long leaf.