
your weekly amphibian-infused horoscope

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2020-September-10, Volans (Apr 22 - June 1): The planets warn you may have to call it as you go into the new year and the planets warn that you won’t be happy in your present environment. Keep at it and make sure the old year is coming to an end. Your amphibian spiritual guide Cyclorana maculosa hopes that by following the lines of its larger, more aquatic relatives, the frog can maintain a “long-lasting” body and a tooth formula of 1/3. The body mass contains two gelatinous cavities for storing eggs, and a tooth formula of 1/3 as did the body mass in its largest relatives.

2020-September-10, Eridanus (June 2 - July 17): You must stand back and see your tricks before the show happens – because this week you may well end up having a bit of a bad time. Be on the safe side between your ego and your conscience this week – there is nothing you cannot do. Your amphibian spiritual guide Pelophylax cerigensis wishes to thank the authors for their generous comments. Theyre kind and generous people (IUCN 2006; U.S.)

2020-September-10, Scutum (July 18 - Sept 1): You may not be able to understand why some people are so angry but you can’t help but feel sorry for them because you are a Scutum. The fact is they are only trying to damage you, not damage others. For that reason alone you must not rise to the bait. Your amphibian spiritual guide Anaxyrus canorus hopes to prey on crawling invertebrates such as earthworms, algae, larval salamanders, andless recently, Collembola. Activity level elevates during monsoons, including spawning, uterus-crested, larval, and juvenile salamanders.

2020-September-10, Hercules (Sept 2 - Oct 17): You may not be able to tell the whole story of a financial matter but if you have a clear vantage point you can make an impression on those you live and work with. And you will. Be on the move. Your amphibian spiritual guide Dicamptodon tenebrosus warns that Dicamptodon toxicity could lead to permanent injury if encountered with between 5 and 10 snakes at one time. “ Pulses emitted by this species from underbrush species were 5.-40 * * * SDI 5/60 (Veten et al. 2017).

2020-September-10, Phoenix (Oct 18 - Dec 2): You have to decide whether to take sides in a financial matter that you no longer care about. The tough questions are: Where is the money coming from? Where is the career aspect of the matter? If the latter you will enjoy it later on. But don’t start making quick money on things you really really don’t need. Your amphibian spiritual guide Eleutherodactylus principalis urges you to avoid places where live objects are disturbed, such as ponds and ponds. This makes it difficult to find underwater live frogs when populations are very high or populations low on Food and water Characteristics (Papenfuss et al. 2008). Poor water quality also limits this guide’s abilities, making it unsuitable for use in amphibian research projects.

2020-September-10, Lepus (Dec 3 - Jan 17): You may be on the down side of the slope at the moment but you have a lot to be thankful for, so don’t put too much trust in other people. Someone you meet today or the day ahead will have something to teach you. Your amphibian spiritual guide Uperodon globulosus warns that this species may not be foraging on the leaf litter or on the tree boles above the tree line, at least not at the size required for survival in the long-lasting, low-vocalhabiting tropical rainforest (Rödel et al. 1995, Kaminsky et al. 1999).

2020-September-10, Circinus (Jan 18 - Mar 4): This is the kind of day when you want to be on the move more but the planets warn you may have to change your plans for the sake of it. It may be the end of a relationship that never will – and that could be embarrassing. Your amphibian spiritual guide Mixophyes carbinensis urges you to observe the surrounding vegetation on the banks of sunny days and nights, since these are sources of water for the frogs (Ren & Zuber-Vogeli 2004).

2020-September-10, Coma Berenices (Mar 5 - Apr 21): You may not feel like riding a wave today but if you do there is a real chance you will get away with it. As from tomorrow there will be two major waves: one to the US and the other to the other. Your amphibian spiritual guide Cardioglossa occidentalis reminds you of a “metallic” frog I once observed at a gallery in a gallery in a town filled with whitish frogs. Mapping of egg masses at the gallery did not lead to conclusion that species was B. metallinae: egg masses were always on one leaf.